August 2024 happenings...

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CONC August Newsletter

President's Corner

It’s a welcome relief to finally enjoy some cooler temperatures and cleaner air after our extended stretch of hot, smoky weather. As we transition into fall, I hope everyone is taking advantage of the beautiful Central Oregon outdoors.

I’m excited to share some updates about the Central Oregon Nordic Club.

Volunteer Opportunities: We are actively seeking volunteers to join two new committees: Outreach and Social. These committees will play a vital role in expanding our club’s reach and fostering a strong sense of community. If you are interested in contributing your time and talents, please reach out to me directly.

CONC Gear: Don't forget to check out the CONC Store in the Members section of the website for our stylish and comfortable fleece beanies and baseball caps featuring the CONC logo! They make a great way to represent our club and enjoy the outdoors. Note that you must be logged onto the website to view the Members section and enter the Store.

Social Gathering Success: Our recent social gathering at Crux Fermentation was a huge success, with over 30 members in attendance. It was fantastic to connect with many of you in a relaxed atmosphere. Once the Social Committee is established, we plan to host similar social events monthly, so stay tuned for more information.

E-bikes Comment: The Deschutes National Forest recently proposed allowing e-bikes on certain trails. With Board approval, our club submitted a neutral comment on this proposal. However, we strongly oppose any expansion to Sno-Park trails or changes to the December 1st to March 31st restriction. While no expansion plans have been identified, the Board sought to acknowledge the potential for increased user conflicts and safety hazards if the project were extended to winter trails.

Thank you for your continued support of the Central Oregon Nordic Club!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at with any questions, comments or concerns that you may have regarding the club.

Warren Preston, President

Upcoming Events

Go to the Events page for more information about upcoming events, including our Sunday Show and Go Hikes.

August 25: Carl Lake

August 27: Tenas Lakes Scott Mountain Hand Lake Loop

Please note, there will be no Sunday Show and Go Hike on Labor Day Weekend.


September 17  4:30 - 6pm: Social hour at CRUX.  Come by for a beer and a chat.

October 29: History Pub at McMenamins  featuring Glen Volez and Bob Matthews.  Details to follow

December 13: CONC Holiday Potluck at Trinity Episcopal Church.   Details to follow

News and Announcements

CONC Store

Hurry over to the Store on the CONC website to order your hats and beanies with our logo.  Sales on the first order close Sept 15.

Central Oregon Nordic Club Preseason Ski Tuning Special.

Offered by Power House to CONC members

Skate Skis, regularly $90, CONC Member -40% or $54.00.*

Classic and Metal Edge Nordic Skis, regularly $90, CONC Member -20% or $72.*

*Skis must be dropped at Powder House by September 15th, and will be available for pick up Octobe15th

Short Hikes and Fitness Hikes

With summer coming to a close are you starting to think about ski season? Is it time to get in shape before the snow arrives? Want to enjoy the fall days outdoors with others as the days shorten? I am looking to organize a series of hikes in two categories: shorter day hikes for those who cannot allocate a full day of hiking to their busy schedule, and fitness hikes that consist of hill climbing for cardio and leg strengthening for quads and hamstrings. If you are interested respond by contacting Charlie Cornish at email

Please include your name, email, phone number, and the following information:

  1. Best days of week and times when you can hike.
  2. Possible destinations
  3. Are you willing to lead any of these hikes?

See you this fall!

Ski Clinics

Building upon the success of last season’s ski instruction clinics; planning is underway for the 2024-25 ski season.  Laura Seaver has agreed to take over from Jerry Sebestyen overseeing the ski clinics.  Charlie Cornish has taken on the leadership and coordinator role for introductory and beginner level XC ski clinics.  XCD, Telemark and other clinics are planned. Interested in learning?  Interested in teaching?  Have a particular topic for a clinic you would like to see offered?  Drop us a line:  Contact Laura Seaver ( or Charlie Cornish (

Gear Fix

Gear Fix will be accepting winter gear starting in September.  The CONC account number is 12958.  We appreciate anything submitted to our account and use all proceeds for our trail development and maintenance program.  Many thanks to all who have donated over the years!

Recent Events

For a look at some blog posts on recent events, please click the links below.

August 18: Tam MacArthur Rim Hike

August 11: Black Crater Hike

July 23: Canyon Creek Meadows Hike

"In the deep glens where they lived all things were older than man and they hummed of mystery.”

Cormac McCarthy,  The Road