November 2024 happenings...

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CONC November Newsletter

President's Corner

Gearing Up for Winter!

Early Snow Brings Enthusiasm!

We've already seen some snow piling up in the Cascades, and the excitement is building! It's fantastic seeing so many CONC members out there enjoying the trails and shelters. Whether you're skiing or snowshoeing, keep an eye out - with 550 members (including 48 new members in the last month!), chances are you'll bump into a fellow enthusiast.

Stay Connected to Events You Care About:

We want to ensure you're getting the information that matters most to you! This FAQ explains how to adjust your profile and receive emails about events that interest you. We recently had a few emails go out to everyone that should've been targeted to specific groups. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working on a fix.

Powder House Event a Success!

Our after-hours visit at Powder House was a hit, with over 60 members attending, including five new faces joining the club thanks to the event! Attendees learned about Nordic ski grinding and waxing, enjoyed refreshments from Powder House (including a sneak peek of a new Deschutes brew!), and even won some fantastic ski gear.

Winter Wonderland Awaits!

CONC's event calendar is filling up with exciting opportunities on the snow and around town. December brings an after-hours visit and social at Pine Mountain Sports, our Annual Meeting and Potluck (registration details coming soon!), and keep an eye out for day ski and snowshoe tours and beginner ski clinics!

Membership Survey Update:

We'll be sending out a membership survey soon to gather your valuable feedback. We apologize if it arrives after Thanksgiving, but we're working hard to finalize it.

See You at an Upcoming Event!

Thanks for being part of the CONC community! Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or suggestions at

Happy Trails!

Warren Preston


Upcoming Events


Visit the store on the CONC website and place your order while they last. We have Fleece Hats (red is sold out), ball caps and two sizes of stickers

News and Announcements

New to XC skiing?  Got questions?

Attend one of following CONC socials and we will address your questions and help direct you on your quest to glide with confidence over snow:

Pine Mountain after hours shop visit

Dec. 5, 2024, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

WebSkis after hours shop visit

Jan. 8, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Basic Beginner Cross Country (XC) Lesson Clinics for CONC Members

New to XC skiing? Has it been a while since you last skied? Tried skiing on your own but never took a lesson and want guidance on the basics? CONC is offering basic beginner ski lesson clinics on groomed trails to members starting in December. The clinics taught by CONC volunteer instructors will focus on learning the basic skills of cross country skiing with the goal of getting you skiing comfortably on easy trails.

Clinics will meet at The Groove for check-in and introductions. We will then proceed to the Meissner sno-park for the on-snow portion, introducing classic technique on groomed trails.

Basic Beginner XC clinics scheduled in December:

Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024: 12:00PM-3:00PM

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024: 9:00AM-12:00PM

Details and enrollment for the clinics will be posted on the Event Calendar. Sign-ups will open on November 27th.

In the new year more ski clinics will be in the offering. Besides the Basic Beginner XC, two other clinics will be offered: Advanced Beginner XC and Downhills for Beginner XC.

Be on the lookout for announcements and details about these clinic offerings for January on the CONC website and the December newsletter.

Time to Snowshoe!

With all of the snow falling in the mountains, it's time to start thinking about getting out on our snowshoes. I'll be leading some trips as will a couple of other leaders, so we hope that you will be able to join us. If you'd like to receive emails from the club regarding snowshoe trips, be sure to go into your profile in Wild Apricot and click on the Snowshoe Outings option to add it.

We'd also like to get some information from you to help us make our trip plans. Feel free to send an email to and let us know your responses to the following questions:

  1. What is the best day(s) of the week for you to go on snowshoe trips with the club?
  2. If weekend trips work best for you, would you be able to meet early in the morning (around 7:45 am) in order to avoid heavy traffic up to Mt Bachelor?
  3. What types of snowshoe trips are you interested in going on? Choose from easy (3-4 miles, minimal gain), moderate (4-6 miles, up to 200 feet of gain), or difficult (7+ miles, 200+ ft gain).
  4. Edison Sno Park will be closed this season due to fire damage in the area, so we're looking to add some other options to our list. What places are you interested in going to? Do you know of any places (such as forest service roads) that aren't at sno parks that would make for a good trip?
  5. Any other comments or feedback are appreciated. 

We're looking forward to going on some snowshoe trip adventures with you this winter!

Thank you,

Kelly Cleman (, 425-268-3437 

Want to learn more about snowshoeing?

Upcoming talk on Snowshoeing in Central Oregon on December 4th from 6-7PM. It is in-person at Downtown Bend Public Library or via zoom.

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Our last Sunday Show and Go Hike was be this Sunday, November 24th. We have been sending out hike notifications to the whole club this summer, but next season we will limit those emails to only those members who specifically ask to receive hike notifications. To be sure you are notified, please go into your profile in Wild Apricot and click on the link for Hike Outings in the Notifications section.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the hike coordinators who led trips for the club this season. We offered trips almost every Sunday from late April through November and some weekday hikes as well. This wouldn't have been possible without the invaluable assistance from the following members:

Ann Padgett

Gary Jones

John Stockham

John Sweat

Roz O'Donoghue

Sue Sullivan

We will start offering hikes again in the spring once the snow starts to melt. If you are interested in becoming one of our hike coordinators, please contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about the steps needed to become a leader. As an incentive, coordinators who lead 5 or more hikes during the season (September 2024-September 2025) are eligible to receive a free Sno Park permit from the club. 

Enjoy the snow and we'll see you again in the spring!

Kelly Cleman (, 425-268-3437

CONC appreciates anything submitted to our account and we use all proceeds for our trail development and maintenance program. The CONC account number is 12958. Many thanks to all who have donated over the years!

Recent Events

For a look at some blog posts on recent events, please click the links below.

Oct. 18: Firewood Stocking

Oct. 31: Metolius River Hike

Nov. 3: Dry River Hike

Nov. 3: Swampy Sno-park CONCquered

Nov. 11: Edison Sno-Park Closed for 2024-2025 Season

It's easy to love the snow because at the end of every snowstorm it's as if the world has started over. There is no dirt, no footprints, just a layer of seamless, indiscriminate nature connecting everything to everything else. Isn't that the amazing thing about the natural world? You can tear it down, you can drill holes in it, you can ignore its power with all your might, but one morning you wake up and it has selflessly given despite all of our abuse.

I think I'll make a snowman.

-Andrew Mc Mahon