Contributed by firewood organizer Gary Elnan

Firewood stocking is completed for our upcoming winter season. We completed splitting rounds, stacking firewood, stocking kindling, and wrapping firewood today at Swampy. There was a great crew of 6 there today (John, David, Ernie, Ed, Donna, and I). It was a lot of fun and super efficient. Jeanni and I gathered kindling at Nordeen and Swede yesterday and covered 3 brush burn piles with lumber wrap at Nordeen. The giant brush burn pile at Swede got covered today by John and Donna. Nordeen has 3 and Swampy has 1 punky wood piles covered for burning.
I don't believe we will ever run out of easy firewood rounds at Swampy. We stocked it using only 2 work days and 9 person days of labor. We hope to use similar methods next season at the other 3 shelters but they don't have the absurd abundance of easy logs like Swampy.
The team of folks who contributed really shined.
All we need now is snow!