Contributed by trip leader John Stephenson, additional photos by Char Newman
Taking advantage of a rare break in the recently stormy weather, seven CONC snowshoers enjoyed lots of fresh snow, beautiful views, and good company trekking on the snowshoe trail from Upper Three Creeks Sno-park up to Jeff View Shelter. The trail was well broken in and there were lots of other snowshoers & skiers out there.
We became adventurous on the way back and took the unofficial (pretty much unknown) Bob Timmer Scenic Loop on the way down, breaking snow and navigating by GPS (on the map the official trail is the direct orange line on the left, with the loop we took back on the right). It worked out well, with even more expansive views of the high peaks! We saw another group of ‘shoers following the path we created, so it might get more use…