Contributed by Sue Sullivan

We’ve recently had confirmation from the Forest Service that the Edison Sno-Park will remain closed for the 2024-25 winter season.
Not all the ski and snowshoe trails in the Edison trail system were impacted by the fire, and some trails that were within the fire perimeter had minimal damage (i.e. the area burned looked more like a controlled burn). However, many parts of the trail system had intense burning, and fallen snags and dangerous trees that remain standing will need to be cleared to make the trails usable once again. We’ll be given the opportunity to get into the area with the Forest Service people next summer to assess what needs to be done to get the trails back in shape.
The map below can give you a rough idea of the parts of the trail system within the fire perimeter.

We also have confirmation that the Edison Shelter was burned in the fire. Since it was scheduled to be burned this fall anyway, it’s not a great loss. The Forest Service is still moving ahead with plans to replace the Edison Shelter with another structure, and we’ll be working with them to determine what sort of shelter and where it will be located in the trail system.
Since the Edison trail system is unavailable, that means one less place for people to go for winter recreation with dogs. We’re working on updating the Skyliner trail system to make that a more appealing dog-friendly option. We’ve completed much-needed brushing and trail marking on the East Loop, and have plans to work on the West Loop as well.