On Saturday, September 16 Roz O’Donaghue planned on hiking the Benson, Tenas, Hand Lakes and Scott Mtn summit loop hike. She was hoping to take advantage of the fact that the fire restriction closing Hwy 242 to some of our beautiful hikes had been lifted. However, at the last minute, the hike location had to be changed due to a flare up of wildfire activity and smoke over the Benson/Tenas Lakes/Scott Mtn route.

The destination was switched to a summit of Mt. Bachelor via Bugaboo ridge. It is a 8.6 mile in and out route with a 1800ft elevation gain. Six CONC members decided to go, though one stayed behind at the trailhead due to equipment issues. The other five were rewarded with a quiet trail and fairly clear skies. Three made it to the summit after two turned back to be with the member they had carpooled with that stayed at the trailhead. Autumn colors were on display as the huckleberry bushes had turned a scarlet red. There were also views of nearby Mt. Jefferson and Coffin Mtn. The three returned to the trailhead just before the smoke drifted into the area.