I sent out a dire warning the week before the club ski trip to Mazama was scheduled for everyone to bring a rain jacket! I failed to mention the terrible road conditions on Hwy 97! The forecast did not look good. But everyone arrived safely, and we did not have any rain the entire week! Two mornings we awoke to 2-3" of fresh snow. The last day at Sun Mountain was clear, crisp, and presented us with most excellent snow.

Only nine people signed up for the trip, leaving me to wonder if people are tired of "the same old destination" or if the food service was so bad last year that word got around and few wanted to risk it. However, I had talked with Andy, the guest manager, and he vowed to step up the food presentation several notches. And did he ever!

We had appetizers every night by the fire, and he even wore his chef's hat to present Michel with a "Birthday" cake (lemon curd!); because for Michel, everyday is a birthday!

But it was also the dinners and breakfasts that were quite amazing, with four or five courses each. We were all impressed with the meals and swear we all gained a couple of pounds inspite of the good, daily skiing with the new groomed track right outside the Inn's back door!