Seven club members joined me to experience one of my favorite routes at Edison SnoPark. It's an 8 mile loop best done the day after a good, cold snowfall. Tuesday, February 27 looked to be that day so we headed up the trail at 9:00 am.
The 12" of fresh powder initially was so fluffy we didn't think it would slow us down much. But we were feeling it by the time we stopped at the AC/DC shelter; 3 miles into the tour. Though AC, Supercharger, and High Voltage are "net" downhill, breaking trail negated the usual glide, and the snow got heavier as the day went on. The sun peaked out for a bit, which warmed the snow eno
ugh that my skis started sticking. About that time, two more members joined us from the back of the pack; clearly timing their departure to take advantage of the broken trail! (And to give their dog free roam). But they felt bad, and jumped to the front of the line to do their part breaking trail. After the ski, they insisted on treating everyone to a beer; I instantly accepted as did only one other participant. Anyway, inspire of the trail breaking, everyone said they had a good time, but that they expected to sleep hard that night!