Mother nature came out in full force with winds and snow on Leap Year Day. While some decided not to venture into hazardous drives conditions, a few hardy souls decided to brave the weather. Charlie proposed an alternative plan to skiing at Meissner and invited those interested to ski around the back field on his property east of Bend. The back field, grass covered and sheep grazed in the fall, offered a smooth surface covered by almost 2” of snow. As temperatures rose and the snow became gloppy, skis started sticking after one trip around the field. Dirty skis are sticky skis, so Charlie invited Char and Nancy into his shop where he demonstrated how to clean and wax skis. While the skis were cooling after hot waxing prior to scraping, the three took a coffee break, where Nancy was introduced to the merits of AeroPress for coffee making and Char sampled a baking experiment in gluten-free Chocolate Hummus Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip brownies. A ceremonial Leap Year Day ski was enjoyed by all. Until another four years, think snow.