Sunday Show & Go Hike: Fryrear Canyon

  • 19 Nov 2023
  • 9:00 AM
  • Thump Coffee

Distance: 4 miles. Plan on spending 4-5 hours including drive time to/from the trailhead.

Elevation gain/loss: 200 feet of gain

What to bring: Ten essentials, water, snack/lunch, and proper footwear (no tennis shoes or sandals). The trail is lightly used and we are unlikely to meet many hikers. However, there are elk in the area - so wear appropriate outer clothing in case we encounter hunters. Dogs are not allowed on this hike.

Difficulty level: Easy.

Number of hikers: Sign up is not required for this hike.

Carpooling: Carpooling can be arranged at the meeting place. If you ride with someone, please donate to their gas fund. Be generous for obvious reasons.

Meeting place: Thump coffee: 549 NW York Dr Suite 200, Bend, OR 97703. Hikers coming from Redmond or Sisters can meet the group at the Fryrear Canyon Trailhead, located on Fryrear Road approximately 2 miles north of Highway 20 at 9:40 AM. Let the hike leader know if you will be meeting the group at the trailhead.

Contact: John Stockham, 541-420-6107

Other Details: Fryrear is a spectacular dry desert canyon with steep walls, fascinating geology, and pictographs - it has all. The canyon was eroded during wetter periods and is likely associated with repeated glacial cycles. The canyon is closed from Feb.1 through August 31 for bird of prey nesting habitat protection.  

The Central Oregon Nordic Club, PO Box 744, Bend, OR 97709, is chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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