A week ago, "Low Snow Hazard" posters were stapled to the posts at each trailhead. Mother nature responded. Next year I'll get them up earlier!
Time to begin in-season sweeps of the snowshoe trails. No reports from the trails, so plans for Tuesday are to head to Swampy and shoe the Porcupine Loop. We will go counter-clockwise and head up Porcupine (Telemark) Butte and take the summit cutoff. This will be the first shoe by us on the new trail. If we have enough folks, some can continue over the summit. We will continue at least to the Swampy Tie and shelter and then continue back to the sno-park. We will clear any blowdown and replace any missing markers. We will also update YAH maps on a couple of the mapboards.
Please either sign-up here or email me at bobtimmer@yahoo.com to let me know if you are if you are interested in helping.
Status of the Snowshoe Trails is updated on this spreadsheet.
Questions, email me or give me a call at 903-477-2168
Thanks for your support of the trails!!
The Central Oregon Nordic Club, PO Box 744, Bend, OR 97709, is chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.Email: conordicclub@gmail.com