Hills: Advanced Beginner XC Ski Clinic

  • 21 Jan 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • The Grove, 921 NW Mt Washington Dr, Bend
  • 3


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Hills: Advanced Beginner XC Ski Clinic

Are you an accomplished XC skier at the Advanced Beginner level but find hills on groomed XC ski trails to be a challenge.  The Hills:  Advanced Beginner XC Up/Downhill Technique Ski Clinic will help you become a confident hill skier by building a solid foundation of skills.  The goals of the Hills clinic are:

  • adapting diagonal striding for uphills
  • learn and practice other uphill techniques (herringbone, side-step, etc)
  • control speed and stop using variations of the wedge (aka snowplow)
  • make basic turns in a wedge

By lesson’s end, you’ll be moving with ease up hills of varying degree of steepness and descending in style using a combination of straight run, wedge and wedge turn on groomed trails.

Equipment required: Clinics will be offered on groomed XC trails with set tracks.  The set tracks can accommodate a ski up to 70 mm in width.  Recommended skis are double-cambered classic no-wax skis. Skis, boots and poles are available for rent at local ski shops.  Please ascertain that your skis, boots, and poles are properly sized for your weight and height.  Skis should be waxed prior to the clinic.  We recommend applying MaxiGlide, available at local ski shops.

Prerequisites:  Advanced Beginner XC skiing or equivalent

Meeting place: The Grove (921 Mt Washington Dr., Bend).  We meet inside the food hall at the south end near Thump Coffee.  Here, we sign waivers, meet everyone, and arrange carpools before heading to the sno-park, allowing for two hours of on-snow instruction.

Note: the ending time does not include travel back from the sno-park.

Questions to Charlie Cornish

Interested in other clinics?  Here is the plan for the 2024-2025 season.

If you are interested and the clinic is already full, please join the waitlist so we can gauge the interest for adding additional sessions.

The Central Oregon Nordic Club, PO Box 744, Bend, OR 97709, is chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Email: conordicclub@gmail.com

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