Contributed by Gary Elnan, CONC Firewood Coordinator
The firewood stocking is now completed for Swampy, ACDC, Swede, and Nordeen winter shelters. We have stocked a total of 7.4 cords of firewood. All of the efforts of the CONC volunteers and Deschutes NF folks is deeply appreciated. We just need a bit more snow and away we go!
I tried to make a few measurements to track our stocking now and will measure again at the end of the winter season. Ideally, we can get to the point of knowing what we use on average at each shelter and stock only enough to use up completely during the winter months and leave no firewood leftover for summer use where it presents more fire hazards.
The firewood is mostly in front of each shelter and some stowed under benches. Each has a plastic jar with matches, fire starter cubes, kindling, and newspaper to get a fire going. The exterior firewood is well wrapped with lumber wrap kindly furnished by Miller Lumber.
Thanks to all who helped!